Self Made by Tyler Perry
A quote that I like to live by is 'Feel the fear, and do it anyway.' Starting my own business was something I've always wanted to do, but I was still cautious about starting my journey and venturing out into unknown waters. I still felt and feel fear, but luckily I overcame it. I'm so very thankful to my Granny and Mum who a true go-getters, and being able to see that during my childhood. It can be unclear when to know to eer on the side of caution when starting out and when to go full force ahead, but ultimately investing in something new will naturally inherit risk. Your strength is in your belief in your product/service, it's uniqueness, authenticity and making sure that that's shown.
My inspiration behind the brand is my love for the Caribbean and a natural lifestyle. I've always been a skincare enthusiast and advocate using natural products as opposed to mainstream alternatives with synthetic ingredients that aren't very good for you. I like to take a holistic view to skincare as chemicals in products that you layer onto your skin can end up in your blood stream, which can affect your overall health.
The story of trailblazing African American entrepreneur Madam C.J. Walker who built a beauty empire that made her America's first female self-made millionaire was inspiring for me.
Watching the struggles and successes in Madam C. J. Walker's entrepreneur journey was really encouraging. Her drive, tenacity and ultimate persistent she showed through striving to increase awareness of her product as an African-American woman in a society where she was seen as inferior based on both her race and sex, was compelling. She was innovative and ambitious and she built a beauty empire. I'd highly recommend anyone starting a company to give that a watch.